Another Force (AF) and Combo

Another Force (AF) is the battle feature, a kind of the stand still ability, which provides characters a certain period of time to attack monsters without interruption.

AF can not be used until the AF gauge reaches to the middle point. The length of time is determined by the amount of charge of the AF gauge.

Within the AF period, (1) characters can use skills without MP consumption, (2) attacks increase the combo, and (3) a special move is performed at the end of AF upon certain conditions.

Charge of AF Gauge

AF gauge is charged by (1) an outgoing attack or (2) an incoming attack through a self-harm skill, and not charged in case of condition damage or any skill use without attack.

In order to fill the AF gauge in full from the middle, it needs 34 times of attacks against the monsters with no traits, Resistant or Null, and 15 times of such attacks as matched to the Weak traits.


Combo indicates the percentage of damage and healing amount solely for and during the AF period. Suppose a damage is 1,000 as normal, that damage in AF under Combo 75% would decrease to 750 (1,000 * 75%). Combo starts from the default of 75% and increases according to the certain rules. As to the concrete explanation on the Combo rules, see the post, "Combo Rules."
