How to defeat Azami Final without Dream characters

Aldo's promotion to 5 star class makes it easy to win the final battle against Azami without Dream characters.


VCs of Jade and Aldo
To mitigate Azami's physical attack, Jade's -20% PWR debuff and Aldo's +30 physical resistance buff is very important. Keep switching back and forth the characters mutually. Jade's SPD debuff is also very important. Feinne's SPD of around 140 probably keeps her first move against Azami upon Jade's SPD debuff.

Start with a healer at reserve and keep 6th/11th turn
Azami's INT debuff is very strong and cast at the 1st turn and every 5th turn therefrom (6th, 11th...). Keep a healer (or magic attacker if you choose) away from it.

Use Fire and Water attack
Her weakness is Fire and Water. Use attackers with those elemental attack skills.

The status and equipment of the party members

Name PWR P.ATK END P.DEF SPD Wepon Armor Badge
Aldo 238 383 204 356 204 Falchion II Atonement B. -
Miyu 120 275 130 285 111 Cruel Angel +0 Cruel Angel +10 END12
Sheila 140 295 118 270 114 Gardian S. III Stardust B. PWR15
Benedict 137 304 126 263 119 Cruel Angel +0 Grief N. END19
Jade 127 282 118 271 140 Cruel Angel +10 Steel B. III SPD19
Feinne 140* 295* 142 276 147 Cruel Angel +10 Cruel Angel +0 END24
Note: * shows Feinne's INT and M.ATK. Because my Aldo's Light points are over 100, adjustments was made with equipment.

While Miyu and Benedict are technically joined through Gallery of Dreams, Int' version provides them free so I chose them in the party. You can use Guildna who is 5 star in my game environment.
