Cradle Omega: How to Defeat without Gacha Characters

Below is a clip, which may be helpful for those who are in trouble with the final battle of IDA II After Incident. The YouTuber did not use Gacha characters (except Miyu strictly speaking). An auto translation feature made a bit misleading translations sometimes in the clip, so I write down several important points. Please refer to Another Eden Unofficial Wiki as to the enemy's moves. One thing I should point out is that Ω's Weak changes 4 times in accordance with the decrease of its HP bar and its move pattern is reset at each phase.

AF at the Beginning

Before starting the AF, target in the following way and choose the following skills. The goal is to wipe out Cradle E and Δ and inflict PWR and all elemental debuffs on Ω.
Name Target R1 R2 and after
Miyu Ε Petite Twinkle* Princess Bloom
Gariyu Ω Fiendish Flame* Explosion
Aldo - X Slash Mk II X Slash Mk II
Azami Δ Wind Dance Heavenly Dance
*If debuff is not inflicted at round 1, keep using the same skill in round 2 and after.

Damage Source of Each Phase

  • Ω's HP up to 75%: Gariyu's Explosion and Fiendish Flame
  • Ω's HP up to 50%: Slash attacks by Azami, Aldo and Miyu
  • Ω's HP up to 25%: Cerrine's Invigorating Flog (Piercing)
  • Ω's HP up to 0%: Cerrine's Ground Raiser and Riica's Crush Stamp (Blunt)

Charge AF Gauge

Even if damages are 0, attacks on the enemy contribute to the gauge increase. Azami's Heavenly Dance is most effective in this sense.

Keep PWR Debuff and other Buffs

Because Gariyu generally act after Ω, Fiendish Flame must be cast when the respective icon blinks. Aldo's +30% physical resistance VC is effective through all phases of the battle.

Do not forget to cast Gariyu's Burning Shield at 4th turn after Ω's HP bar decreases below 75% if you do not expect to change the then current phase before Ω's 5th turn attack, Piercing Storm. Miyu's elemental resistance buff is also effective against the attack. However, the necessity would not come into play until Ω's HP becomes 25% or lower.

The Third AF at 25% of Ω's HP

Check Cerrine's PWR & SPD buff is stacked by 3 before using the AF. Set Riica at the head of the front and use Shining Ray at the first move in order to inflict -25% Blunt debuff on Ω. Gariyu's normal attack is also useful but I would rather avoid mistapping.
